daze 5 everydazehaze nft art picasso inspired sexy blond

I’m developing everydazehaze for a few reasons.

I’d like to create my own NFT art to fully understand the process of creating and selling NFTs.

I’d like to use this site to document my experience from the ground up. I started this process knowing NOTHING about the world of NFTs. But I’m learning more everyday. And, a lot of people are curious about what this could mean for the future of the art business. But NFTs are complicated and difficult to understand. So I want to explore all aspects of NFTs, break it down and share my knowledge here.

Everydazehaze Artwork

Using Beeple’s commitment to everyday art as my own inspiration, much like he used Judd’s for his, I’ve been creating and publishing daily art for 5 days now.

Not knowing in 2007 where his “Everydays” would lead, Beeple still managed to stay consistent. Even when the payoff happened, nothing changed besides his wallet – he keeps publishing! EVERDAY. His mindset is so Monk. It’s incredible.

The simplicity of how Beeple describes his “Everydays” is what has drawn me to start my own. “These pictures are all done from start to finish every day. The purpose of this project is to help me get better at different things.”

Think about it – the amount of self-discipline it takes to start AND finish any project is something to be proud of, but to do it on the daily? At first the thought seems excessive – who TF has time for that?

But to me, that’s the point. No one has time for that. So the experiment requires a need to make time for myself everyday. A built-in time for daily self-reflection. A sacred time to break from the rest of the world each day to do something only for you. Akin to a personal meditation. How therapeutic.

Then, sharing my creations publicly each day is just simple way to tell the world “I gave myself this time today.”

I’m curious how this experiment of consistency could be beneficial to my life overall. Doing something everyday must help with accountability, self-discipline and self-discovery, right?

Let’s be honest though, I can’t put it any more eloquently than Beeple as to why he’s publicly documented his art journey: “I’m ‘less’ likely to throw down a big pile of ass-shit even though most of the time I still do because I suck ass.”

So… poetic.

Inspiration for Today’s Art in 10 sentences or less:

I’m an old movie buff, through and through and I couldn’t help but think of Norma Desmond in the 1950 film, Sunset Boulevard. She’s the second character I’ve drawn that gives off an attitude. I’m thinking of starting a “Ladies with Attitude” collection. She’s sassy but maybe not the most attractive girl in the room. It doesn’t matter though – she’s the most confident in the room. I’m not sure why these characters are “coming to me” but I’m loving how these “Everydaze” really open up my mind.